Puppy dog and Kitty cat love FOREVER!!

My Best Kitty Friend..

how long has it been... since 1st grade when i met you.. youve been my
best friend ever since..

10 years have passed.. and though we had troubles throughout
childhood we've stayed side by side..

i know i was rude to you in the past, and im sorry

i know you were rude to me in the past, but i forgive you

we're closer than ever now.. i feel safest when youre here
with me, i care about you much more than i care about myself..

if i could, i would hold you in my arms forever

i love you sooooo much

every time i see something that reminds me of you i get so happy!!!

i love hearing you laugh i love seeing you smile aaaaaah

you are just the cutest gooberest kitty ever...

i wouldnt trade you for anyone else in the world

i always have your back, i promise

youre the best partner in the entire world, even if platonic

sorry if all this is so gross and cringe LOL

i just wanted to make you happy :3


made with much love by your doggy friend, cyril